Skróty biznesowe po angielsku
Najczęściej występujące skróty biznesowe po angielsku
BID: Break it down
CBDO - Chief Business Development Officer
CFO - Chief Financial Office
COO (Chief Operating Officer)
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer),
CIO (Chief Information Officer)
CCO (Chief Communications Officer),
CLO (Chief Legal Officer),
CTO (Chief Technology Officer),
CRO (Chief Risk Officer),
CCO (Chief Creative Officer),
CCO (Chief Compliance Officer),
CAE (Chief Audit Executive),
CDO (Chief Diversity Officer),
CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer)
EOD: End of day
EOM: End of message
EOT: End of thread
EOW: End of week
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
FTE: Full-time employee
FWIW: For what it’s worth
IAM: In a meeting
IMO: In my opinion
KISS: Keep it simple stupid
LET: Leaving early today
LMK: Let me know
MoM: Month over month
MTD: Month to date
NIM: No internal message
OOO: Out of office
OT: Off topic
OTP: On the phone
PA: Performance appraisal
POC: Point of contact
PTE: Part-time employee
PTO: Paid time off
NRN: No reply necessary
NSFW: Not safe for work
NWR: Not work related
Re: Referring to
RFD: Request for discussion
SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound
SME: Subject matter expert
TED: Tell me, explain to me, describe to me
TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read
TLTR: Too long to read
TOS: Terms of service
TYT: Take your time
WFH: Work from home
WIIFM: What’s in it for me
WOM: Word of mouth
YTD: Year to date